The Journal of Urban Planning and Architecture is a specialist journal with a quick review process (6 weeks), a double-blind peer-review policy, and multidiscipline that allows articles in all fields of urban studies, urban planning, and architecture to be published, including urban planning, architectural engineering, urban geography, urban design, spatial analysis, sustainable urban development, urban management, and other related fields. Since 2020, this journal has been published quarterly by the Afghan Urban Design, Planning, and Research Organization. The Journal of Urban Planning and Architecture publishes articles in Persian.

Jupa follows a double-blind peer-review policy, and the submitted articles will be published after two rounds of reviewing and editorial approval. For English manuscripts, Jupa uses iTenticate, and for Persian manuscripts, Samim Noor. The Journal of Urban Planning and Architecture follows a policy of open access that allows readers to access the full text of articles published on the journal's website, subject to Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC-By 4.0) license terms. This journal abides by the norms of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and follows the executive requirements of the Law on the Prevention and Combating of Fraud in Scientific Works.

The process of submitting and reviewing articles for publication in the Journal of Urban Planning and Architecture is free, but the authors must bear the cost of publication if their work is accepted, if a valuable article is submitted, the journal will not refuse to publish it due to a lack of payment for printing costs (For more details, please check the authors' Guideline for Article Processing Charge). All articles in this quarterly have a DOI code (Digital Object Identifier).